Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Sacred cows

Well, as you might know from reading last night's live blog, local citizen Pearl Turner criticized the City Commission once more for their decision to allow an Arkalalah beer garden.

I didn't mention this in my story today for two reasons:
  1. It occurred after the meeting was adjourned and thus technically was not part of the actual meeting.
  2. Frankly, I think enough has been said on this topic already. There clearly is a segment of the town's population that won't be mollified by any justification for the event.
That said, something has been bothering me for a while about the whole beer garden debate, and I was reminded of it once again last night.

Obviously, there is at least a segment of the city that is unhappy about the idea - witness the complaints at the last few meetings and the letters to the editor.

But I wonder: Why they didn't voice the same disapproval for the beer garden that was held in the Agri-Business Building at last week's Renaissance Festival? It's not that one was inside and the other will be outside, because these same people objected to the serving of beer inside the Burford last year, as well.

The only explanation I can offer is that Arkalalah basically is a "sacred cow" in this town. The Ren Faire, being relatively new, doesn't stir the same emotions yet.

Anyhow, not everyone opposes the beer garden. Obviously, the commission is for it, and Mayor Jay Warren said last night that neither he nor the other commissioners have received any phone calls on the subject. Furthermore, a poll on last week showed 70-percent support for their decision (although our polls are unscientific, of course).

It will be interesting to see if any of the churches boycott like some did two years ago.


  1. funny take. I guess the conservative folks don't believe in using the phone either.

  2. I completely misread your headline and thought it was a bit rude to call Pearl a scared cow.

    Nice blog!
