Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Live blog hiatus

I'm sorry to announce there will be no more live blogs for the immediate future, due to technical difficulties.

I won't rule out doing them again some time in the distant future, but they definitely won't be happening in the near term.

Although I had few regular readers, they were loyal, and always asked good questions and made good points. I greatly appreciate each and every one of you, and the time you spent chatting with me for the past year or so.

Thank you.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

City Commission Meeting (03/02/10)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

City Commission Work Session (12/26/10)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

City Commission Meeting (02/16/10)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

City Commission Work Session (02/11/10)

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Hold the phones! An actual non-live blog post!

I know, it's been way too long. I'm going to try to get back to using this for little tidbits like I originally intended.

Here's the first of those. Received the following e-mail from Steve Archer this morning: 

Hello Jeff (Grill, of Data Technologies, Inc.),

I would like share with you the signed Phase I Contract Agreement and the first half payment check for $4547.50 were mailed to your office yesterday. You should be receiving the envelope soon. Please call or email to let me know when it arrives.

Thank you,

Matt Metzinger
Information Technology Manager
City of Arkansas City

I also received this:

I thought that I would send you the numbers on renovating a typical City block. There are two typical types of blocks in the City of Arkansas City; 1) some streets are 350 ft from the center of an intersection to the center of the other end of the intersection and 24 – 28 ft in width, depends whether the brick street has stand up curb or a standard 2 ft curb. 2) some streets are 450 ft in length intersection to intersection and 24 – 28 ft in width. The following is some costing for brick streets:

A)     350 ft. X 24 ft. =8,400 sq. ft. X $20 sq. ft. (approx. cost to fix/renovate Brick streets) = $168,000
B)      450 ft. X 24 ft. =10,800 sq. ft. X $20 sq. ft. (approx. cost to fix/renovate Brick streets) = $216,000
C)      350 ft. X 28 ft. = 9,800 sq. ft. X $20 sq. ft. (approx. cost to fix/renovate Brick streets) = $196,000
D)     450 ft. X 28 ft. =12,600 sq. ft. X $20 sq. ft. (approx. cost to fix/renovate Brick streets) = $252,000

According to my calculations it will cost between $168,000 - $252,000 to completely renovate one City block of a brick street. These prices are based off of the study that Wilson & Co. did back in September of 2006. Thanks!

Gary E. Baugher Jr.
Public Services Superintendent
City of Arkansas City, Kansas

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

City Commission Meeting (02/02/10)